List of English Podcasts I Listened To / Currently Listen To

(Might be updated from time to time)

📢 Disclaimer: Not affiliated with any of the podcasts listed below, recommendations are based on my personal interest, if you don’t like any of the topics/themes of the listed podcasts just ignore🤣

I started listening to English podcasts in high school, mostly out of a very pragmatic reason - as a way of achieving “immersion” in language learning - I was hyper focused on improving my English speaking back then (and I still am 😅).

Aside from that primary reason, listening to podcasts is also highly entertaining - there are so many interesting and engaging topics ranging from basically anything I can think of 😄 I also get to learn a lot more beyond the language itself!

Most of the podcasts can be accessed on apps like Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or Google Podcasts (I now use Spotify, but there was an Android app, “DoublePod Podcasts for Android”, that was also clean and compact in size, though I can’t seem to be able to find it on Google PlayStore any more).

Here goes the list:

for-fun  language-learning